About CPD

About CPD

FMOH has launched CPD to sustainably enhance the competence of health professionals through standardized in-service training and continuous monitoring and evaluation of its impact. The main goal is to make sure that the quality of health service is within the standard acceptable at different levels of the health care system. As a strategy to get every health professional in this pipe line, Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is linked with license renewal requirements.

MWU-GRH is going to be registered as a CPD provider to give trainings to interested health care professionals based on the need of the health care system after need assessment. GRH has made all the requirements ready   to qualify as a CPD provider institution. Moreover, annual CPD courses are drafted and waiting for approval by the accreditors.

Mission and Vision

Mission: To maintain, update and enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitude of health professionals to adequately deliver quality health care through approved in-service trainings focusing on policy prioritized topics.

Vision:– Within 5 year  time the CPD center aspires to become one of the top five CPD centers in Ethiopia in fulfilling the missions addressed above.

Core Values:

Customer friendly


Organizational interest


Equity and fairness

Creativity and innovation

Intended Programs

Continuous need assessment at different levels and documenting annual training needs

Design and develop new training programs and packages

Manage financial transactions related to CPD programs

Develop training materials and evaluation tools

Monitoring and evaluation for effective and efficient outputs and their impacts in line with national CPD requirements and in compliance with national CPD directives or standards

Partnership programs with institutions of common interest

Intended Services

Trainings to health professionals (academic, clinical, and administrative) of GRH and others from different woredas of Bale Zone and beyond

Prepare different seminars and workshops with various objectives that can improve health care delivery and/or academic competence

Digitalization of CPD activities jointly with ICT directorate

Organizing seminars/workshops of interest in collaboration with FMOH, ORHB, and Professional associations like EMA, EMHA, etc

Serve as a center of trainings, seminars, workshops, etc for any organization which would like to utilize our training facilities.

Development of in-service training manuals an getting them approved

Training outcome evaluation


Intended to work with relevant government and NGOs as well as professional associations