Business and Development Directorate


Dear users of Madda Walabu University official website, the Directorate of Business and Development vice President Office is responsible to:

  • Lead, coordinate and oversee responsibilities for development and management of the Construction Project Office; Directorate of ICT; Directorate of Development and Resource Generation the Beauty center of the campus and the waste water treatment plant.
  • Closely work with the business and development vice President to assist and provide support on business and development affairs, and with other Vice Presidents to set the University’s broad vision, priorities and policies;
  • Develop and oversee the implementation of plans, policies, rules and guidelines governing business and development programs of the vice president.
  • Facilitate the accomplishment of the University’s over all mission in general and business and development vice president in particularly.
  • Ensure the implementation of the strategic plan of all the directorates, team and plant of the vice preside

Wagari Jalata Haile (PhD) Director of the Directorate

Office Phone:- 0222447489

Bale, Robe, Ethiopia