Quality Assurance Directorate


  1. A brief Introduction of Madda Walabu University

Madda Walabu University was established in 1997 E.C. and began its duties in 1999 E.C. The university’s missions to produce competent entrepreneurial graduates provide need based community services and demand driven/problem solving research outputs through relevant and quality education, research, training and consultancy service to foster socio-economic development in the country. As its vision, the university aspires to be one of the top five societal problem solving universities in the country by 2022 E.C Since its commencement, the university has been improving its internal structure and external relations in academic, administrative, and research and community service wings so as to meet its mission and strive towards attaining its vision. Currently, Madda walabu University has three campuses Robe, which is the main campus, Goba and Shashemene campuses.

  1. A brief Introduction of The office of Quality Assurance (QA) in Madda Walabu University

The office of Quality Assurance (QA) in Madda Walabu University  is one of the Corner stone of the university which takes the leadership and initiative in the institutional quality assurance in quality education , services and resources. It is not only about processes or procedures, it is rather a mission that needs everyone’s attention and support (students, academic and administrative staff) to understand and practice activities in keeping with quality standardizes in the university. Quality work requires assessing fitness of purpose, effective management, employability of graduates, standardization of procedures and innovative teaching, learning and community engagements to keep our university competitive and be sustainable in this globalize education, to fulfill the mission and vision of a university and to contribute for the development of the country. The office of Quality Assurance Directorate  works on the  ten Focus areas set by former HERQA and current ETA( Federal Education and Training  Authorities). These Focus areas are the following:

  • The Objectives of Director of Madda Walabu University
  1. የዪኒቨርሲቲን ራዕይ፤ተልዕኮ ትምህርትና ስልጠና ዓላማዎችን ከመንግስት ፍላጎት ጋር ማጣጣም (Aligning the university’s vision, mission and Educational Goal with the government interest and need).
  2. የአስተዳደር ስስተም ብቃትና አገልግሎትን ማሳደግ (Improving Effectiveness  and Function of Governance and management system
  3. መሰረ ልማትና የመማር ማስተማር መሣሪያዎችን ማሻሻል (Enhancing Infrastructure and Learning Resources)
  4. የአካዳሚክና የአስተዳደር ሠራተኞችን ኩዋሊፊኬሽን (የትምህርት ደረጃ/አቅም ግንባታን ማሻሻል (Improving the qualification of Academic and supportive staff
  5. የተማሪዎችን ቅበላ እና የድጋፍ አገልግሎትን ማሻሻል (Improving Student Admission and Support Service).
  6. የፕሮግራሞች አግባብነትና ሥርዓተ ትምህትን ማሻሻል   (Program Relevance and Curriculum)
  7. የመማር ማስተማርና የምዛና ሥርዓትን ማሻሻል (Improving Teaching Learning Assessment)
  8. የተማሪዎች መዝለቅና የመመረቂያ ፕሮፋይል ማሻሻል (Improving Student progression and  Graduation Profile).
  9. የምርምር ቴክኖሎጂ ሽግግርና የማህበረሰብ አገልግሎትን ማሰደግ (Research and Outreach activities
  10. የዉስጥ ጥራት ማረጋገጥ (Internal Quality Audit)
  11. Values of Quality Assurance Directorate
  • Quality and Timely Service
  • Participatory
  • Supremacy of Law
  • Culture of fighting corruption
  • Democratic and accommodates diversity
  • Institutional independence with responsibility
  • Effective use of Resource
  • Appraising committed workers
  1. Achievements of Quality Assurance Directorate

Some the achievements of Quality Assurance Directorate are listed as follow. Pictures that show the training provided for Madda Walabu University Academic Directors and Department Heads and Administrative Directors on Quality Assurance Concepts and Preparation of Self-Evaluation Documents.

The Training was provided by Senior Experts  invited from from former HERQA or/and  current FETA( Federal Education and Training  Authority).