Planning and Program Directorate


Planning and Program directorate is one of the directorates that is accountable to the University President. The office is located in the Main Campus of Madda Walabu University in the new admin Building on the second floor.

The vision of the Directorate

The Vision of Planning and Program Directorate of MWU is initiating and coordinating the planning and programming activities, with the ultimate goal of enabling MWU to become one of the five top-ranking Universities in Ethiopia by 2022.

Objectives of the Directorate

The main duty of the office is initiating and coordinating institutional Plan and Program activities introduced by the Ministry Education  as well as by MWU. Moreover, the office is responsible for preparing a strategic plan, annual plans, performance reports, HEMIS, program budget plans and reports as well as Monitoring and Evaluating work units’ performance quarterly. In general, Planning & Program Directorate has the following objectives:

  • Lead all operations in strategic planning;
  • Guiding roles and coordinate the various planning units of the University;
  • Coordinate periodical performance reports and prepare and send reconciled university-wide plans to pertinent stakeholders;
  • Facilitate the  integration  of  operational    and  strategic  plans and their budget allotments  both  at university and working unit levels;
  • Direct the smooth making and use of policies, standards and procedures for planning and reporting mechanisms throughout the university working units;
  • Prepare program budget plans of the University based on the plans from each work unit.
  • Monitor the implementation of the plans, identify the problems faced while implementing the plans & design strategies to solve them and present the solutions to the University management for approval & implementation.
  • Support colleges/institutes in their efforts to plan and review their academic and administrative activities, and to monitor and evaluate performances;
  • Facilitate budget allotment to the operational and strategic plans both university-wide and at college/institute-levels;
  • Consolidate and submit physical and financial performance reports to concerned bodies on quarterly basis as and when required;
  • Initiate and lead the development of documents and their publications on new standards, reporting policies and procedures, and ensure that these documents are updated as and when appropriate;
  • Follow up on the progress of construction projects of the university together with the Construction and Maintenance Directorate.
  • Collect and compile basic data of the University and present it to concerned body.
  • Filling student cost sharing format and reporting to revenue office.
  • Perform any other duties as may be required by the President.

Contact us  :-

Fatuma  Muhammedaman Selba

Planning and Program Director

Phone Number +251-913-355645

E-mail :-