Dean Message

Dean Message

Today, having a company website is as crucial and it shows what your company is about, what it has achieved and what it can achieve in the future. The web today has an answer to almost all the queries. It has become the hub to cater to all the requirements like knowledge assimilation in the educational sector and it has given vast opportunities to educational institutes like schools, colleges, etc.

The education website is the virtual identity of the company; it is the first impression of the institution where the visitors to know who you are and what services you offer instantly. Depending on the impression obtained within a few seconds, the visitor will decide whether to stay or leave the site. Therefore, the information you posted and the way you posted matters.

Educational websites are witnessing a steep rise and are being openly accepted by their audiences. Students, teachers, parents are openly depending upon them for gaining various information including information about various school/universities, gaining knowledge on various courses offered by the universities, understanding certain topics, completing assignments. The educational institute websites are very important for building up the institutes’ presence in the educational world. On the other hand, they provide an easy way out to the students to know about the institute, courses offered and grades, faculty, infrastructure, etc.

Considering these all issues, Madda Walabu University developed the University website to be utilized by the public in general and University staff and students in particular. As Shashamene Campus is part of the Madda Walabu University, we will get the same benefits hoping that our staff and students will utilize it accordingly. My appreciation goes to MWU Management and IT Directorate for the website development.

Biftu Geda Morkie   (PhD, Associate Professor of Nursing and Public Health)

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